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Eucalyptus // Rosemary

Feeling a little under the weather? Ain’t nobody got time for that! Say ‘Hell no’ to being poorly with this gorgeous cleansing and decongesting facial steam. 

Packed with essential oils to clear your mind & body, these salts will lift your spirits and hydrate your skin to make you seriously glowy (even if you don’t feel it).



Ready to get that just-steamed glow? From opening your pores to hydrating your skin, they really are a skincare game-changer.


You’ll need: A heat-proof bowl · A light towel · Freshly-boiled water · One of our fabulous steams!


Step 1 - Add two tablespoons of your steam to your bowl and pour hot water over until the bowl is ⅓ full. Set your bowl on a low table, somewhere you can lean over it.


Step 2 - Cover your head with your towel to create a ‘steam tent’ and sit with your face 30cm above the water.


Step 3 - Breathe deeply and relax! We recommend steaming for 10 mins before cleansing your face and applying your favourite serum or moisturiser.



Capacity: 200g

Facial Steam // Not Today, Satan


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